Super Tourer

Super Tourer by mun_kean
Super Tourer, a photo by mun_kean on Flickr.

I would not thought in a million years I could met Ah Q, he bought a donkey
& a cart in Korla travel to Kashgar! Took him 50 days to reach here (less
than a week by bike).

I saw him on road side with a donkey eating grass, thought he was a local
guy, then i saw he’s listening to an ipod. It turn out he is from Hong Kong,
the conversation switch to cantonese immediately 🙂

He told me he had cycled most of the middle & western part of china, when
arrived to Korla, kinda felt bored cycling and have nothing better to do, so
he came up an idea to tour with donkey. Amazing! After all this 8000km on
the road, finally I met someone with the same destination, speak same
language as me, too bad his donkey only managed to crawl 5km/hr, otherwise i
would have a partner.

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